Oct 23, 2017
01:33 - "Stuffing the Turkey." Workshop a version in 2014.
Coming again next year.
05:29 - Tony's theatre experience. Illinois Theater Center http://www.ilthctr.org
07:11 - Studying play writing at Milliken https://millikin.edu/theatre
23:06 - Differences between performing onstage and on film.
25:09 - Seven Deadly Sins https://www.facebook.com/SDSCHICAGO/?hc_ref=ARQvMUmNVMmzmLOaV6FbIRoeTliZiMTPDF9MZqEUPnW7FSCWTmmZYeNfm3NH12m_MsM
25:28 - South by Southwest - 20 by 2 https://www.sxsw.com/conference/experiential-storytelling/
26:00 - Radio plays Tony did with his brother at the ages of 7 and
28:27 - Broad Shoulders Productions http://bspfilm.com
32:38 - Why Vimeo instead of youtube?
33:52 - The Wire. https://www.hbo.com/the-wire
35:23 - Graham Cracker. https://vimeo.com/212592718
46:26 - Graham Cracker will be released over the next couple of
46:47 - Promotions: www.bspfilm.com
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Tony's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/jantonio.mendoza1?fref=ts
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Intro Music: "Are You Famous, Yet?" - Laura Scruggs. Outro Music: "AYFY 1" - Christopher Kriz