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It's “That Guy… Who Was in That Thing” meets "WTF" but with people even less well known! Sure it's fun to interview the crazy famous and ask them about the difficult years, but that's been done. Memories are plastic - we're getting the real dirt from people still crawling through it. Laura Scruggs is the playwright and Jake Scruggs is the technical guy who listens to a lot of “This American Life” and thinks that qualifies him to interview people.

Nov 27, 2017

01:58 - Origin story of group and name: "Courtesan and the Cabin Boy"
03:25 - International Cosplay Corps
07:58- How they developed the name of the group.
13:12 - Colonel Quick Stitch.

Nov 20, 2017

03:37 - "Avenge Our Blood:" inspiration.
08:08 - How David and Bec found each other and how they made "Avenge Our Blood" a one person show.
11:12 - How does David Finney relate to this play/is he religious?
13:00 - As a director, how does Bec...

Nov 13, 2017

Jake and Laura Scruggs talk about:

  • Laura's new Job working with the mentally disabled.
  • Moving to Logan Square.
  • Selling their Rogers Park Condo and losing 10k on the deal.
  • Living next to their niece.
  • Trying to be more happy.
  • Laura's documentary, full length play, 10 minute holiday play, monthly storytelling show, and...

Nov 7, 2017

06:34 - Origin of “Captain Ambivalent”
09:41 - “Precious” a song about “Lord of the Rings”’s Gollum in the style of country
15:05 - Almost all of Captain Ambivalent’s music is up on SoundClound as free samples
23:09 - How Captain Ambivalent’s costume & persona came about
28:09 -Video of Cafe Vivaldi...