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It's “That Guy… Who Was in That Thing” meets "WTF" but with people even less well known! Sure it's fun to interview the crazy famous and ask them about the difficult years, but that's been done. Memories are plastic - we're getting the real dirt from people still crawling through it. Laura Scruggs is the playwright and Jake Scruggs is the technical guy who listens to a lot of “This American Life” and thinks that qualifies him to interview people.

Mar 24, 2014

This week we welcome Dr. Walter J. Packard- Bryn's Dad- to the podcast for a heart-to-heart.


Twitter: @WJPACK2


0:00:30 Bryn introduces "the big guns"

0:02:25 Nilsa's Dad…

0:03:00 Is Bryn famous, yet? No… not yet.

0:04:25 "Kinky Boots" with Dad and Broadway's survival.

0:09:00 "12 Years A Slave" worth seeing, even if you don't want to see a super-heavy movie about people being terrible in an institutionalized way.

0:12:30 Walter's first memory of Bryn: he was late. 

0:13:45 Grandmothers and desperate measures

0:14:55 Bryn's relationship with classy horror movies as nurtured by his grandmother

0:21:45 "Some horrible things can't die"

0:22:35 Nilsa's in absentia observation: "I think you just enjoy reacting to things" 

0:24:00 Bryn Packard is presented in "Feel Around"

0:24:35 LOUD NOISES!

0:29:30 A shout-out to Romero's "Day of the Dead" and intestine yanking

0:31:25 Nature vs. nurture

0:33:45 Bryn and his Dad love "Halo". A lot.

0:38:00 We sure talk about serial killers a lot- what is this, 1996?

0:40:00 Childhood in Florida

0:43:45 Grade-mongering, the Air Force Academy and money

0:51:15 Is Bryn in a state of financial rebellion? Is he just lying to himself?

0:54:45 The text message

1:00:05 "Bryn Packard's Dad is essentially an older Bryn Packard"

1:01:00 Bryn's mom

1:04:00 Laura's experience with Bryn's mom

1:05:25 Email scams and warning signs and Fronto-Temporal Dementia

1:09:30 Dad took care of her on his own for quite a long time

1:10:00 Yes. Bryn really said that.

1:12:00 Barry Peterson's "Jan's Story"

1:15:00 Having the resources to care for ourselves

1:18:25 Why pursue a career in the arts?

1:19:05 Go buy some of Leslie Scruggs art! 

1:21:00 Picking-up the bill

1:25:15 Shared demons

1:27:20 We've got to wrap this up, Dad's got to get to Birdland, with his lady


1:28:30 "I have to say, I like my son."